Selected Projects of the Re-evaluation Foundation

In recent years the funding priorities of the Foundation generally fell within six major categories: People-of-Color Leadership Development, Global Initiatives, Young People Leadership Development/Family Counseling Work, Elimination of Racism, Mental Health, and Care of the Environment/Sustaining All Life. In 2015, the Foundation authorized project grants to the amounts of approximately $500,000 (US Dollar Equivalent).
Below is a brief synopsis of some of the projects the Foundation has been able to fund because of the generosity and commitment of donors. (Click titles to read more.)
Global Initiatives
Our recent global initiatives have been concentrated in Africa and Latin America. Africa Community Development Projects were led by Melphy Sakupwanya, Wanjiku Kironyo, and …
Sustaining All Life
Sustaining All Life (SAL) brings the tools and understandings of Re-evaluation Counseling (RC) to climate activists. These include the exchange of listening time between peers, addressing …
Young People Leadership
We have continued to offer the theory and practice of co-counseling to young people through family-based counseling and the development of young leaders. Family …
Leadership Development
Leadership Development amongst People Targeted by Racism in North America has focused on three separate key constituencies: Black, Native, and Chicano/a. Black Community Development …
All Projects
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