
The Foundation welcomes donations of any size.

Use the form below to donate by credit card or personal check.

If you prefer to use direct bank transfer or another method, or if you want to give more than this form allows, contact us here.


Other ways to donate

More Information for Contributors

The Re-evaluation Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit and contributions are typically tax-deductible for U.S. federal income tax purposes.* The Foundation’s paid staff is limited to a part-time business manager, which keeps our administrative and overhead costs low, so a high percentage of donations go directly to funded projects. Sustaining All Life, a project of the Foundation, hired a half-time organizer on January 1, 2021.  We have no other staff at this point.

The Foundation welcomes creative approaches to giving:

  • Gifts in lieu of birthday presents or holiday presents (spread the word to friends and family that you’d like such a gift in your name!).
  • Gifts in lieu of flowers for funerals and memorials.
  • Gifts of stocks, bonds, and real estate. (*)
  • Bequests and charitable remainder trusts. (*)
  • Designate the Re-evaluation Foundation as a beneficiary of all or a portion of your IRA assets or life insurance policy. (*)

Here are descriptions of some of the specific projects of the Re-evaluation Foundation.

(*) Donors should check with their accountant or tax advisor regarding their individual situations and/or estate planning.

Ways to Give

Credit Card or Personal Check

Use the form on the top of this page to donate by credit card or personal check.

Wire Transfers and Gifts of Stocks or Other Securities

Gifts of securities such as stocks, mutual fund shares, or other appreciated assets can be made to the Re-evaluation Foundation. For more information, please contact Tommy Atz, Business Manager, at [email protected] or (610) 324-3086.

Matching Gifts

Double or even triple your gift’s impact! Many employers offer some level of corporate matching for their employees’ donations to non-profits. Contact your company’s personnel or human resources department to find out if your employer has a matching gift program.

Bank Drafts

The Foundation is happy to accept contributions in the form of a monthly bank draft.


Donors may designate that their contribution be earmarked for a specific fund (i.e. Sustaining All Life, United to End Racism, No Limits for Women, and so on) by including a note to that effect with the donation. All undesignated contributions go to the General Contributions Fund which supports our many projects and are disbursed at the discretion of the Foundation Board.
